ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ Ε. ΜΠΙΤΖΟΣ MD FACS | Πλαστικός Χειρουργός | Biography
Διευθυντής Πλαστικής Χειρουργικής Νοσοκομείου Ερρίκος Ντυνάν | American Board of Plastic Surgery Certified | Αισθητική και Επανορθωτική Πλαστική Χειρουργική | Λίφτινγκ,Ρινοπλαστική,Ωτοπλαστική,Αυξητική στήθους,Ανόρθωση στήθους,Λιποαναρρόφηση,Κοιλιοπλαστικη
πλαστικός χειρουργός,αισθητική χειρουργική,Αυξητική στήθους,Ανόρθωση στήθους, αποκατάσταση στήθους,ρινοπλαστική,ωτοπλαστική,λιποαναρρόφηση,κοιλιοπλαστικη,λίφτινγκ,βλεφαροπλαστική,αθηνα πλαστικος,κυπρος πλαστικος,κηφισιά πλαστικός χειρουργός
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Ioannis E. Bitzos, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member, American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Fellow of the American College of Surgeons


Dr. Bitzos is an American-Board Certified Plastic Surgeon specializing in Cosmetic Surgery of the face and breast. Dr. Bitzos was raised in New York and was educated at leading academic medical institutions of the United States. His surgical training started at Tufts Medical School and was completed at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago and Rutgers University. He became fully trained in General Surgery and then fully trained in Plastic, Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery. During his higher training in both specialties he served as the Chief Resident of all trainees. His Aesthetic Surgery training was done in New York by world-leading experts in the field and he received specialised training in microsurgery at Columbia University in New York. After he completed his training he worked academically as a Clinical Instructor teaching reconstructive surgery while running a busy aesthetic private practice in the New York metropolitan area. Dr. Bitzos has published in peer-reviewed medical journals such as the Annals of Plastic Surgery and has presented at meetings like the American College of Surgeons Convention. He is regularly invited for presentations in Europe and overseas and over the years has received notable honors and scientific awards.

Dr Bitzos performs surgery in select private hospitals in Athens and is also the founder and Director of the Hellenic / American Plastic Surgery Institute which offers comprehensive Plastic & Reconstructive surgery services for adults and children covering the entire range of the specialty.